H. G. Abraham Mar Seraphim
His Grace was born on 28th December 1969 as the son of Puthenveedu V. A. Mathews and Annie. His Grace is a member of St. George Valiyapally, Eram, Thumpamon Diocese. After taking his Bachelors Degree in Science from Mahatma Gandhi University, he joined the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam, for theological studies. From the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam, he took Graduate Degree in Sacred Theology (GST) and the Bachelor of Divinity (BD) degree at the Senate of Serampore University. After taking his M. Th from Dharmaram Theological College, Bangalore, he took D. Th from Chicago Theological Seminary, America.
His Grace took several key positions of the church as General Secretary, Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Movement of India, Member, Managing Committee, Orthodox Church, Member, Governing Board Thadakam Ashram, Coimbatore, Director, Santhinilayam Counselling Centre, Pathanamthitta.
He is elected as the Metropolitan candidate on 17th February at the Malankara Association held at Sasthamkotta. He is consecrated as Metropolitan on 12th May 2010 at Mar Elia Cathedral, Kottayam.His Grace is serving the Banglore Diocese as its Metropolitan.