Gregorian Worship during the awaiting of Holy Spirit (St Stephen’s Orthodox Church, Vijayanagar, Bangalore)

Gregorian Worship during the awaiting of Holy Spirit (St Stephen’s Orthodox Church, Vijayanagar, Bangalore)

Parish Name and Place: St Stephen’s Orthodox Church, Vijayanagar, Bangalore
Date: 04th June, 2022

It was indeed a blessed evening for all the members who participated in the Gregorian worship. The MGOCSM members organized this worship as part of their youth motto – “Work, Worship and Service” and they started off this year’s program with Worship. The worship was conducted on 4th June, 2022 in order to get everyone prepared to receive the Holy Spirit for the Holy Pentecost. There were about 130 members who took part in this worship. The ceremony was conducted by the Vicar Rev. Fr. Shijo. S and the church choir, with the songs and prayer chants. And the same was concluded with benediction and Hoosoyo.
You can watch the video here

St Stephen’s Orthodox Church, MGOCSM & OCYM